Way to go Imagine!

Every year the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) recognizes those who have made significant contributions that have influenced positive change in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities over an extended period of time. The Full Community Inclusion Award is presented to culturally responsive programs that have succeeded in full community inclusion and participation.

Special thanks to our friends at Kansas University, Karrie Shogren and Evan Dean, for nominating Imagine Enterprises.

The Imagine team is honored to receive this distinguished award for 2024!

Shout out to our Peer Support Leader, Ricky Broussard, and Executive Director, Norine Jaloway Gill, for co-authoring an article for the AAIDD Inclusion journal!

With Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities Director, Karrie Shogren, and Associate Director, Evan Dean, Ricky and Norine co-authored “Reconceptualizing Research to Practice: The Role of Self-Advocates in Disrupting How We Think About Implementing Research-Based Practices in Disability.” 

The article highlights the importance of involving people with lived experience in all phases of the research process and implementation of research-based practices in disability supports and services. Imagine Enterprises is recognized as an innovative organization that exemplifies this ideal in the real world.

AAIDD members can access the full article here.

Awardees were honored at the 148th AAIDD Annual Meeting, June 10-12, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky.

“Because I experienced living in several large facilities, I think it gives me a different look on what happens to people. Research is asking a question about a problem or idea, and figuring out what works to correct it…I lived it, and now I’m here to show people with disabilities we can live like everyone else—as long as we have the support.”

– Ricky Broussard


Cheers for the Imagine Enterprises and Kansas University team for their hard work and dedication to inclusion!