Employment Network

Imagine Enterprises is contracted with the Social Security Administration as an Employment Network.

An Employment Network (EN) is an entity that enters into an agreement with the Social Security Administration (Social Security) to either provide or coordinate the delivery of services to Social Security disability beneficiaries. ENs participating in the Ticket to Work Program (Ticket Program) must adhere to certain rules and regulations.


Individualized Services

The services ENs provide under the Ticket Program must be individualized to meet the needs of each beneficiary based on his/her chosen employment goal and service needs. The beneficiary’s goal should ultimately be to work at a level that will result in the cessation of disability benefits as the beneficiary becomes self-supporting.

ENs assess beneficiaries seeking Ticket services to determine their skills, abilities, functional limitations, educational and employment background, interests, etc. This information is used to determine whether the services the EN offers are a good match with the beneficiary’s vocational goals and service needs. If the match is not good, the EN may refer the beneficiary to another EN, to the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency, the Choose Work website, or the Beneficiary Help Line at 866-968-7842 or 866-833-2967 (TTY).


Individual Work Plan

The Individual Work Plan (IWP) is an agreement between a beneficiary and an Employment Network (EN) outlining the specific employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services that the two parties determine are necessary to achieve the beneficiary’s stated employment goal and provide a roadmap for financial independence.

The EN develops and implements the IWP in a manner that gives the beneficiary the opportunity to exercise informed choice in selecting an employment goal. Specific services needed to achieve the designated employment goal are discussed and agreed to by both parties.
